Building a Better Life on the Range
We may have “building supply” in our name but we’ve got farming and ranching in our blood, too. With their own cattle ranches in West Texas, the McCoy family understands the needs of the agriculture community. From supporting 4-H, FFA, VATAT, THSRA and TJHRA to having a dedicated Farm & Ranch Sales Specialist, McCoy’s is serious about serving the hardworking Farm & Ranch Community. Many of our buyers, managers and field representatives are farmers or ranchers themselves who understand the complexities of running a successful operation. We welcome the opportunity to know and serve you better.
Shop Farm and Ranch
Shop our extensive catalog of farm & ranch equipment and supplies specifically suited to the needs of rural living.
Sales Tax and Exemption FAQs
Unsure of what documents you need to submit for sales tax and exemptions? Curious about what products will qualify for exemption status? Click here to read our Sales Tax and Exemption FAQs for the McCoy’s States of America.
BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative
Make purchasing easy with BuyBoard – a purchasing cooperative designed to help government entities such as schools and nonprofit organizations simplify their purchasing process. Click here to learn more about BuyBoard and McCoy’s.
Corporate Sponsorships
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