InformationWeek Salary Survey: What IT Pros Earn
How does your salary stack up to what other IT pros are earning? How does what you are paying your top talent compare to the offers they are likely to get out there in the job market? What else do your employees appreciate about their jobs?
May 6, 2022

Is your salary as high as you think it should be? Are you making what your peers are making? Should you be looking for a new job in order to get that salary boost this year? If these are the questions you are looking to answer, we’ve got some insights for you.
InformationWeek checked in with IT professionals across the US to find out whether salaries were going up or down, how many were thinking about finding a new job, and what qualities mattered most to them about their work. The full results are in the InformationWeek 2022 US IT Salary Report (PDF available for free download with site registration to InformationWeek.)
Meanwhile, here are some of the top-line results from our survey this year. The median total compensation for all IT workers went up by 4% to $125,000 in 2021 from where it was in 2020. While that 4% increase may seem respectable, it’s not even half of the 9% increase IT workers earned between 2019 and 2020, before the pandemic hit a boom-time economy.
That plus inflation may cause many IT workers to feel as if they are being left behind, especially given the current state of the job market where there are many more job openings than qualified candidates to fill them.
Read the rest of this article on InformationWeek.
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